quare roomÿþ in a black, square room. There appear to be no other exits, other than
the door to the east, and there is nothing in the room either.ÿþ Eÿþ Door of Unionÿþ at a bend in the tunnel, which either leads east or south from this point.
In the west wall, is a shiny white door, with no handle, that is marked:
-- Door of Union. Only those who can prove their love for fellow people
may pass --
ÿþ SEÿþ Tunnel-like caveÿþ just inside a cave, that actually looks more like a constructed tunnel.
To the east, you can see the oasis, through the small hole that serves as
the entrance, and the tunnel continues, nicely lit by dim oil-lights.
The ground is smooth concrete, and someone has even provided a railing inset
into the walls to aid the steep descent to the west.ÿþ WEÿþ Oasisÿþ by a water hole oasis in the desert. A tall, green palm-tree provides cool
shade, and a water-hole may provide water should it be needed. However,
to the west, a few boulders form the sides to a hole, that seems to lead
down into the ground. The oasis ends and the desert continues to the south.
ÿþ WESÿþ Desertÿþ in the seemingly endless desert. To the west you think that you can see
something green, but it could just be an illusion. The way to the south
is barred by a steep slope, that would be sheer suicide to try to climb
down.ÿþ WEÿþ Sand dunesÿþ struggling across the dunes. The sand gives easily beneath your feet,
making walking very difficult, made worse by the throbbing sun that
blazes down from directly above, with no obvious shelter available anywhere.
You are beginning to wish that you were wearing a hat.
To the south, near the horizon, you can see a strange sand-coloured point
reaching upwards.ÿþ WESÿþ Hot desertÿþ standing, gasping for breath in a blisteringly hot desert. Gentle, smooth
dunes roll off in every direction, meeting the sky on a hazey horizon
some miles away. You can feel yourself start to sweat, and look back at
the dark hole in the sand behind you that you crawled out of.ÿþ SWÿþ Stone roomÿþ in a cramped stone room, the only furnature being a battered wooden table on
the north wall. Against the table, lies a skeleton of a very short person,
still with hair on the skull. It looks very spooky in your lamplight, and
you realise that this person must have been trapped in here years ago, and
eventually died of hunger. You wonder how he could have ever got stuck in
here, as the stone door is too heavy to simply swing shut.ÿþ Sÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Cake stallÿþ standing by a hole in the wall to the east, which looks pretty much like
the service window of a buffet. A sign above the window says:
-- Bread and Cakes sold here. Anything valuable accepted as payment --
An old man stands behind the window, staring silently at you, making you
feel rather uneasy. On the west wall, there is another sign, whose
inscription is written in very small writing.ÿþ NSÿþ Fox holeÿþ in a dark, damp hole. This looks as if it were once inhabited by a mamal
of some kind, possibly a fox or badger. But due to the lack of any smell,
it is quite safe to assume that its residents moved out some time ago.
All the effort to keep yourself dry was really wasted, as the earth on
which you are lying has soaked you through to the skin.
The only exit to this hole is the entrance to the south.ÿþ Sÿþ Desertÿþ in the desert again. You soon realise that it is pointless to go on, as
is no obvious settlement or oasis to the south.ÿþ Nÿþ Disused water-millÿþ next to an old, disused water-mill. The windows are broken, and the wooden
hut holding the wheel has a serious case of rot. It all reminds you of
of a matchstick-building, as the slightest knock looks as if it could
cause the entire building to crumble to the ground.
A bogged-ditch prevents you further going north.ÿþ Sÿþ Pyramidÿþ safely in the cool, inside an ancient pyramid. The entrance was open, so
you just walked straight in. The middle of the room is taken up by an
elaborate oval pool, whose water is completely clear and unpolluted by
the world outside. A fountain in the centre shaped as an Egyptian water-
carrier no longer provides water, but the water in the pool looks quite
fresh. The only apparent exit is to the north.ÿþ Nÿþ Warm part of caveÿþ in quite a warm section of the cave. You become aware of a warm, dry
breeze blowing from the north, and in the distance you can see a pin-prick
of bright light, that must mark the exit to the cave. The cavern also
continues to the east, back into the dome-hall.ÿþ NEÿþ Circular hallÿþ in a huge, circular hall that was probably hollowed out of the rock some time
ago. The light from your lamp barely lights the walls, which join together
above you, to form a giant half-sphere. There is a low, arched hole in the
the western wall, and a sturdy rock door is to the north, its mica-flakes
glittering in your lamplight.ÿþ WSÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ End of caveÿþ at an end of the tunnel, which terminates with a small, smooth door, with a
single keyhole in the middle. The tunnel narrows off as it approaches the end
eventually being little more than half a meter wide. The tunnel continues
to the north.ÿþ Nÿþ Open boggy stripÿþ in the strip of bog between the safe tree-stumps. You can tell that there is a
river flowing through the bog at this point, as the ground is extremely damp
and the water seems to be trickling to the south. To the north is the
entrance to some sort of hole in the ground, but you cannot see what is
inside it.ÿþ NEÿþ Boggy part of forestÿþ where the forest floor is rather boggy. By standing on tree-roots you
manage to keep your feet reasnobly dry, but to the west, the trees thin
out in a long north-south line, with a strip of very damp bog inbetween.
To the north there is a bogged-ditch in the way, and to the south the trees
form an inpetetrable barrier.ÿþ WEÿþ Edge of forestÿþ in an area where the barren wasteland gives way to forest on the north and
west sides. Only a few small trees are growing here, and you wonder why
the couple don't move here, as the ground is quite wet and bouncy.
To the east is the entrance to a rather squashed-looking wooden shed,
while to the north is what looks to be an old mill. The forest continues
to the west.ÿþ NSWEÿþ Equipment shedÿþ almost crouching in the low-ceilinged shed. There is really nothing in here,
as everything appears to have been moved. However, there are some articles
sitting in the corner, which look to have been missed.
The only exit is to the west.ÿþ Wÿþ Granite caveÿþ inside a narrow-walled, but quite high granite cave. The walls are jagged
towards the entrance to the south, but smooth off slightly deeper into the
cave, to become quite shiny in the pale-white light from outside.
The wind outside seems quite distant, but to the east the cave gets very
dark, and you cannot see what awaits you.ÿþ SEÿþ Bend in caveÿþ at a bend in the cave. To the north, the cave widens out into what looks
like a cavern, but narrows off to the west. Your lamp provides a dim, yellow
glow, which makes the smooth, shiny walls look eiry. The wind of the snow-
storm is bearly audible, and the cave seems warmer to the north, as a cold
breeze blows in from the west.ÿþ WNÿþ Round roomÿþ in a round room, with no furnishings of any kind, and so distinguishing
features. The door from which you just came is to the south.ÿþ Sÿþ Beside cliff faceÿþ surrounded on three sides by a tall, vertical cliff-face, which would be
far too difficult to ever climb. To the east is the pumping station, and
inset into the north face is a small, smooth door, with no handle or
keyhole of any kind. All there is, is a sign which reads ,
''Unlocks from other side.''ÿþ Eÿþ Pumping stationÿþ in a rather modern-looking pumping station. Water is sucked up huge, humming
metal pipes out of the ground, and is released to form the river which
runs through the lake bed to the east. The machinery is ticking-over quite
happily, but the only obvious control you can see is a large lever sticking
out of one of the machines on the north wall.ÿþ WEÿþ Empty lakeÿþ in an empty lake-bed. You can tell that this lake was very recently full, as
the floor is still mostly water-logged. Through the middle, a river runs
towards the east, coming from out of a square, concrete building to the west.
On looking harder, you can just make out the remains of old field-boundries
in the lake-bed, showing that this was all farmland before the dam was
built.ÿþ WEÿþ Beside damÿþ beside a gigantic wooden dam, which you assume to be the cause of the
water problem. Sitting by one of the many crumbling houses are a man and
wife, both staring into the sky, obviously depressed and worried by the
Quite a wide dry river-bed runs east-west from the dam, and disappears
down a swallow-hole about 100 feet to the east. Your way there is barred
by a twisted and tangled thorn-bush, itself almost dead through lack of
water.ÿþ NSÿþ Water springÿþ beside a hole, where an underground river surfaces through a hole in the snow,
and forms a small, but quite deep pool. The pool empties through a number of
narrow outlets along its perimeter, none of which can really be classed as
streams. The land continues to the east and south.ÿþ ESÿþ North face of cliffÿþ stanting beside the north-face of the cliff. The wind is almost totally
blocked out here, and you get the chance to look around without snowflakes
stinging your face. However, the cliff-face is uninteresting, and this
part of the icy-land seems as boring and barren as the rest.
The only interesting feature is the narrow mouth of a cave to the north.
ÿþ WNÿþ Low cliffÿþ leaning up against quite a low cliff, which rises out of the ice on which
you are standing. The way to the west is blocked by a series of very
slippery boulders, so the only way from here is back through the chilling
snowstorm through which you came. Your notice that your fingers are now
quite numb.ÿþ Sÿþ Beside doorÿþ on a black square at the top of the board. To the north is an open door
that leads away into the distance.ÿþ ?ÿþ North wallÿþ at the north edge of the board, blocked by a wall.ÿþ ?ÿþ Top-left cornerÿþ on a black square at the top-left hand corner of the board.ÿþ ?ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Barren wastelandÿþ in a barren wasteland.
The ground is dry and cracked through lack of water, and the only plants
growing are small clumps of coarse, brown grass. Dry riverbeds and
irrigation channels can be seen, also cracked, criss-crossing the landscape
and ruined barns and houses stand inside the remains of old garden walls.
This land gives the impression of somewhere that was once fertile and
prosperous, but some event caused this servere drought to set it.ÿþ NSÿþ Edge of lakeÿþ on what you guess to be the shore of the lake, as the ground suddenly becomes
rough and stony, as it gently rises upwards, contrasting with the flat,
plain, barren landscape on the frozen water. The land continues to the north
while the lake is to the east.ÿþ NEÿþ Circular hole in iceÿþ next to a circular hole in the ice, obviously cut to catch fish from the
water below. As you look down, you can see that the ice is only a couple of
feet thick, with icy water from then on down. The snow storm seems fiercer
here, perhaps because you are standing in an unsheltered area, where the
wind blows unobstructed across the flat, white ground.ÿþ WEÿþ Windy land of iceÿþ in a bare, windy land of ice. Snow blows into your face, as the freezing
wind bites into you through your clothes. The ground is flat, snow-covered
ice, which means that you must be on some sort of lake or sea. Not really
dressed for the occasion, you begin to shiver uncontrolably, and feel that
you really must try to keep moving.
Through the blizzard, you can just make out some kind of cliff reaching up
to the north. To the south, there is a door in a rock, which leads to the
gatehouse.ÿþ NSWÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Iron gateÿþ standing infront of a massive iron gate, which towers above you. On either
side equally high walls stretch as far as the eye can see in both east and
west directions, eventually disappearing where the red sky meets the
dreary orange land that makes up the plain on which you stand.
Behind you there is nothing but barren desert, but to the east, the land
appears to get marshy, leading up to a small building that pertrudes from
the otherwise featuress wall.ÿþ Eÿþ Soggy marshÿþ standing knee-deep in soggy marsh. To the west the land gets firmer, but it
looks to get worse to the east. If there were the odd clump of grass to
stand on things wouldn't be so bad, but nothing grows from the ground
and the marsh gives the impression of being very still and dead.ÿþ WEÿþ Swimming in marshÿþ almost swimming in the marsh. To the east, you can see a door into the
small building that sticks out of the wall to the north. The building looks
to have firm foundations, and must be quite dry inside.
The smell of the marsh is starting to make you feel ill, so it would be
advisable to keep moving.ÿþ WEÿþ Gatehouseÿþ in what you can only guess is some sort of gatehouse.The floor is solid granite
and the walls are covered with strange machinery, all of which looks to be
completely inoperative. The north wall is broken by a door which, on close
inspection, is revealed to have to handle or keyhole of any kind.
In the middle of the floor, a large lever stands five-feet high, and glints
in the sunlight that streams in through the western door.ÿþ Wÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ SEÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ WEÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ WESÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ WESÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ Wÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ ÿþ ?ÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ NSÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ SEÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ NWÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ NSÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ Sÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ NEÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ NWÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ Eÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ WENÿþ Darknessÿþ in total darkness. You cannot see the walls so you can only guess where to
go.ÿþ NSWÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Orange roomÿþ in a cubic chamber whose walls are smooth, shiny orange. There is no
furnature at all in the room, the only objects being two narrow metal pipes
,one coming through the ceiling, the other going down through the floor.
There are no doors nor any visible breaks in the shiny walls.ÿþ ÿþ Main gearsÿþ standing underneath, just to one side of what look to be the main gears of
the whole area. The large cogs rotate smoothly around, while the smaller
ones hum with their speed. A narrow metal pipe reaches down to about six
feet above the ground from the ceiling, and terminates above one end of
what looks to be some sort of see-saw. Next to the see-saw is a lever.ÿþ Eÿþ Top of slopeÿþ standing amidst the workings of a massive machine of some kind. All around
gigantic brass gears turn and chains clank underneath the fierce orange
light eminating from a hole in the ceiling, about sixty feet above.
Looking down the metal slope to the south, you can see hundreds of people
pulling ropes and frantically working, guarded by myterious guards dressed
in red.ÿþ WESÿþ Pipe and doorÿþ at the western end of the blue room. The room terminates in a solid white
door with no handle. Against the west wall, just to the right of the door,
a narrow metal pipe reaches out of the ground, about 6cm in diameter.ÿþ Eÿþ Ribbed chamberÿþ at a nodal point of a steel walled chanber. The walls are dull steel, ribbed
by studded girders. To the north the light dims to blackness, and the room
continues to the south and west.ÿþ NSWÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Blacknessÿþ in partial blackness. That is to say that there is some dim light, but
there is almost nothing for it to hit. The sky is black, and the floor
is also black, but shiny enough to give you a perfect reflection.
Everything is deadly quiet and nothing moves. You can see nothing in any
direction at all.ÿþ ÿþ Gates of hellÿþ standing, awestruck at the foot of some massive red gates beyond which you
can only see molten rock and fire. These are the gates to hell. Lines of
people, twenty or thirty abreast march like zombies into this world of
fire, many of which look as if they should be in heaven.
Each gate is straining to close but is held open by a series of chains
which lead into the massive machine. The gate is to the east.ÿþ NEÿþ Hellÿþ blisteringly hot, standing on red-hot rock. All around you people have sunk
up to the waist in molten lava, and are slowly sinking further, catching
fire and blistering everywhere. The screams freeze your blood, but you
suddenly notice that the rock on which you stand has begun to sink also.
Your shoes have melted onto the rock and you cannot move!
You can now be sure of a long, slow and painful death of your soul.ÿþ ÿþ Southern end of chamberÿþ at the southern end of the ribbed chamber. Here the ceiling slowly drops
down to the floor, forming a perfect seal.ÿþ Nÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ Black tileÿþ standing on a black tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ White tileÿþ standing on a white tile. The lack of any powerful light prevents you from
seeing any further.ÿþ ?ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Number 3ÿþ standing on a smooth marble floor, with similar walls to the west and south.
To the north there is a massive open space, checkered with black and white
tiles. The light is very dim here, so you cannot see very far out, but you can
just distinguish several tall column-like figures standing on the squares.
There is a sign on the western wall, and you are standing on a large number
three, which is painted onto the ground.ÿþ NEÿþ Number 4ÿþ standing on a large number 4. The black and white tiles extend as far as you
can see to the north, and the black sky above gives this place a very
sinister atmosphere, as everything is just totally still and silent.
The path on which you have been walking continues to the east and west.ÿþ WENÿþ Number 5ÿþ at the eastern end of the path, standing on a number 5. The black and white
continue further to the east, but your path ends here at a vertical wall.
The only way from here is either onto the tiles or back west.ÿþ WNÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Backstageÿþ backstage of an auditorium, full of local people. On the stage you can hear
Mrs Merriweather talking about the various exploits of some Colonel Maycombe,
with a bass drum sounding after her every sentence. Around her are numerous
small children dressed in assorted foodstuff costumes. To the east is a small
wooden door, and the exit is to the south.ÿþ Sÿþ Pharmacyÿþ in the local pharmacy. On and behind the counter lie all sorts of strange
chemicals and substances, most of which you have never seen before in your
life. For some reason, strips of magnesium are being sold here for $1. Quite
what medical value these would have is dubious, but there could well be a
local magnesium remedy crazy in Maycombe at the moment.
To the west is a small wooden door.ÿþ Sÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Laboratory 2ÿþ in a laborotary similar to the one to the east. There is a bed against
the western wall, covered in assorted wires and electrodes. Next to it is
a computer monitor with a flashing red button below the screen.ÿþ Eÿþ Narrow corridorÿþ in a dimly lit narrow corridor. To the west is a steel door. The corridor
continues to the south, and there is a wide doorway to the east.ÿþ SEÿþ Laboratoryÿþ in a beige walled laboratory, with a wide door to the west. Various machinery
is lying around the room on the white tables, but little of it appears to
be working. Lying on a bed on the east side of the room is Orrin. He is wired
up to a life-support machine which shows his heart not to be beating.ÿþ Wÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Total blacknessÿþ in total blackness. The lack of any street lighting or moonlight means that
you are completely blind. As your eyes slowly adjust, you can just make out
a darker patch of the sky above you, suggesting that you are standing under
a tree, whose trunk can just be made out to the south. The street seems to
continue to the east, while a brightly lit doorway is to the north.ÿþ NEÿþ Dimly lit streetÿþ in a dimly lit street in the town of Maycombe. To the north is a doorway into
a shop, while the street continues to the west. To the east is an open window
into a bedroom.ÿþ WENÿþ Small bedroomÿþ in a small bedroom, with two beds. To the west is a window, and the locked
bedroom door is to the east.ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Bend in corridorÿþ at a bend in the corridor, which leads to the north and through a door to
the east.ÿþ NEÿþ Officeÿþ in a cramped and rather messy office. Papers are strewn all over the floor,
though this appears to be the result of laziness and carlessness rather than
deliberate ransacking.ÿþ Wÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Juliet's bedroomÿþ in an elaborately decorated bedroom. In the centre of the room is a four-
poster bed, and the floor is black and white tiles. Insect nets surround the
bed and are hung against the windows. To the south is the only door to the
room.ÿþ Sÿþ Grassy hillsideÿþ on the top of a grassy hillside, by what you assume to be Friar Lawrence's
cell. Grasses and flowers of many descriptions grow around here, with a
beautiful view of the surrounding Italian countryside to the north.ÿþ Sÿþ Courtroomÿþ standing, feeling rather small, looking up on the crowded, stuffy courtroom
in which you stand. Beside a raised desk sits a old judge, and in the witness
box there is a huge black man, whose right arm appears limp and broken. He
as a firm, but gentle look on his face. Next to him is another old man, who
looks frail but clever. By his nameplates on the desks, you know him to be
Atticus Finch, and the black man to be Tom Robinson. The prosecution consists
of Mr Gilmer, and a dirty looking man called Robert Ewell.
There are no obvious exits as all the doors are closed.ÿþ ÿþ Gigantic cageÿþ beside the black iron bars of a gigantic cage in an almost totally dark room.
What you can see is largely made up of hundreds of people, fairies and animals
all crouching or lying on the grimy floor, either crying, moaning or sleeping.
There seems to be no obvious door to the cage,and bars reach to the ceiling.
At the far rear of the room is what you can only guess is a huge black body,
loudly snoring in the darkness. This must be the Dark Lord.On the ceiling, outside the cage, is a circular hole, covered by a thick wire
mesh. The only exit is to the south.ÿþ Sÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Wealthy houseÿþ in the courtyard of a wealthy house.The floor is covered in mosaiques,while the
walls are high and painted white. To the north steps lead up the side of the
wall, and disappear into an open doorway. The gate to the courtyard to the
east.ÿþ NEÿþ Verona town squareÿþ in the main square of the town of Verona. Streets lead in all directions from
here, and groups of boys sit around everywhere, idly chatting under the sun.
The climate is hot and humid, and the sky is a clear deep blue.
In the centre of the square is a round well.
ÿþ NSWEÿþ Huge kitchenÿþ in a huge kitchen of some kind, with various mugs and dirty plates littering the
massive table towards the east end of the room. To the north is a large heavy
door, and there is also an exit to the west.ÿþ Wÿþ Courtyard of castleÿþ in the main courtyard of the grey castle. For some reason the sky seems to be
very dark here, to the extent that you cannot make out your own shadow.
The floor, and infact everything, is damp, and moss grows in every available
crack and crevice.
There are doors to the north and west, and to the south is a large iron
portcullis.ÿþ NEÿþ Dark cornerÿþ in a dark corner, beside the door to a dungeon cell. Here there is asleep
a drunk guard, who does not seem to have noticed your presence.
There is a door to the west.ÿþ WSÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Tunnel-like hallÿþ in a comfortable tunnel-like hall. To the east there is a round green door,
and there is a large heavy chest in the middle of the room.
The hole continues to the south.ÿþ Sÿþ Cool churchÿþ in a peaceful, cool church. The building is held up by a series of pairs of
pillars going down the middle, and there are exits to the north and west.
Around the walls there are elaborately painted murials, depicting various
events from the life of Jesus. There are no furnishings of any kind, and
everything is made out of stone.ÿþ WNÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Portcullisÿþ standing on the drawbridge of a huge, grey castle. The walls rise vertically to
a tremendous height, and look to be at least two metres thick of solid stone.
The way north is blocked by an iron portcullis. Next to it reads a sign:
-- Warning. This portcullis is fitted with a PortCuSafe anti-tamper alarm --ÿþ Sÿþ Castle dungeonÿþ in the Grey Castle dungeon. There are no furnishings of any kind, but at
least the floor is dry, and it is quite warm. To the north is a stong iron
door, with a padlock attached.ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Green corridorÿþ in a pale-green painted featureless corridor, which runs to the north and west.
To the west, the door has slammed shut, leaving no handle.
On the eastern wall is fixed a sign.ÿþ Nÿþ Lovely viewÿþ on a flat rock plateau. The way to the north is barred because of the collapse
of the path into a deep crack in the mountain-side. To the east is an open door
into a small cave.
When you look west, you are suddenly shocked because the land simply stops
halfway towards the horizon. Here all reality in the zone of fantasy appears to
give way to pure fantasy, as nothing recognisable remains. Instead of trees and
mountains, flat bubbles, like jellyfish, pulsating from blue to red to yellow
and back to blue again rise up from an ocean of magenta into a pale brown sky,
occasionally colliding to form one, sometimes being split into two or three by
brown triangular crystals that slowly drift downwards. The bubbles rise
gracefully up, eventually losing their individual identity, in their millions
becoming apparently one with the colour of the sky.ÿþ SEÿþ Crystal chamberÿþ in a small chamber, whose walls are made of clear, jagged crystal.
In the centre of the chamber, on a stand of crystal, sits a shining, blue
diamond-like crystal, about a foot from top to bottom.
The exit is to the west.ÿþ Wÿþ Rock plateauÿþ on the flat rock plateau. The path now continues to the north, where you
remember it having collapsed, but the open doorway to the east is now a large
black iron door, with numerous studs and bolts making it look very secure.
The view to the west is not what it was. The imagination of the zone having
obviously been drained somehow, there is only a sea of brown and a dull orange
sky, the bubbles not existing.ÿþ NSÿþ Crystal roomÿþ inside the crystal room again. This looks exactly the same as it did before.ÿþ Wÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Winding pathÿþ on a narrow winding path leading up a mountain. The vegetation is thinning out
compared to that down in the valley, and only a few fairies catch your eye in
the surrounding countryside.ÿþ NSEÿþ Broken cliffÿþ beside a broken cliff-face. It looks as if the cliff slid downwards sometime in
the near past, as little vegetation has had chance to take root on the rubble.
ÿþ Wÿþ Winding pathÿþ on the long, winding path up the side of the mountain. The path forks here
to the north and east.ÿþ SNEÿþ Cliff faceÿþ beside a high cliff-face. It has not collapsed as you remember, and inset
into the rock is a small, narrow stone door, with a keyhole in the centre.
On the left-hand side of the door a large lever sticks out of the cliff-face.
A path leads off to the west.ÿþ Wÿþ Low roomÿþ in a low-ceilinged room inside the cliff. The walls are mudstone, and the floor
is black and damp, slightly turning to mud. The only exit from here is a small
door to the west.ÿþ Wÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Fairy palaceÿþ at the top of the valley,and in the fairy palace.There are no real riches here
but instead the wide, open stone halls are decorated with white and blue
flowers, which seem much more fitting than golden ornaments.
The only grand decoration you can find, is a massive marble statue in the main
courtyard.ÿþ NSÿþ Tomb of past heroesÿþ in a hollow cavern behind the waterfall. There are many casks and coffins here,
and by the number of drawings on the walls of fights and battles, you guess
this to be some sort of 'tomb of past heroes'.
One notably large coffin stands out on a raised platform at the back end of the
cavern.ÿþ Sÿþ Fairy Palaceÿþ in the fairies' palace. The flowered decorations have wilted almost everywhere,
and the large marble statue that you remember is non-existent.
Against the western wall, a small collection of white flowers brightens up the
generally dull atmosphere, but the palace does not give the fresh, happy
impression that you remember feeling in it before.ÿþ NSÿþ Tomb of past heroesÿþ in the tomb of past heroes. You notice that everything looks exactly the same
as before, except for the large rasied coffin is not there.ÿþ Sÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Fertile valleyÿþ in the rich, fertile valley. Everywhere, on tree-stumps,in the trees themselves
and in the undergrowth you can see fairies playing and laughing in the sun.
Anywhere else this would have looked ridiculous, but here in the zone of
fantasy, the fairies seem to fit in perfectly.
A small stream bubbles from east to west here, smaller than the river at the
top of the valley, and on the grass at the other side, fairy children sit in
groups decorating each other with flowers and daisies.
Some of the fairies in the trees see you, and briskly jump down and bow at
your feet, as if for some reason they are worshipping you.
The valley continues to the east, while the sides are to the north and south.
ÿþ NSEÿþ Waterfallÿþ where a waterfall has cut a gorge into the rock. More young fairies play in the
plunge pool, jumping and giggling in the foam and spray. When they see you,
these fairies behave in exactly the same way as the others, bowing their heads
to you, and giving thanks for your bravery.Quite what this means is beyond you.
On close inspection, you notice that there is a cavern behind the waterfall.ÿþ WNÿþ Fertile valleyÿþ in the once fertile valley bottom.While last time you visited the valley it was
happy, with cheerful fairies idly passing the time playing and singing,
everything now seems completely lifeless. Where the young fairies sat at the
far side of the stream, instead of grassland, the ground is cracked, and no
fish swim in the stream.
Everywhere, you can see in the dried mud the large footprints of heavy boots.
The stream continues to the east, while the valley sides are to the north and
south.ÿþ NSEÿþ Waterfallÿþ beside the gorge cut by the waterfall. The plunge pool contains no fairies
now, but the cavern behind the water is still visible.ÿþ WNÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Log bridgeÿþ balencing on the thin log bridge across the river. To the north, a slope leads
down into a rich, fertile valley, where the trees thin out, but none have been
felled. On the far side of the valley, at the top of the slope, you can just
make out the top of some sort of palace, as its red pointed roof sticks out
above the trees.ÿþ NSÿþ Circular chamberÿþ in a dark circular chamber. The only exit is to the south.ÿþ Sÿþ Log bridgeÿþ standing on the felled tree, with the fast flowing river beneath you.
To the north is the valley where the fairies were. Strangely, though, the
valley does not look fertile like it was before, and you can just make out a
hole in the roof of the palace on the far side of the valley.ÿþ NSÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ Evergreen forestÿþ standing in a lucious evergreen forest. Pine trees are everywhere, and the
whole area is beautifully green. To the north quite a large and fast-flowing
river flows from west to east, but somebody has felled one of the trees to make
a bridge, allowing you to pass.ÿþ Nÿþ Golden scalesÿþ in a small rectangular chamber.
To the west is a door marked - Men only. Sector of imaginary fantasy.
To the east is a door marked - Women only. Sector of popular fantasy and
The way to the north is blocked by a massive golden door, which is apparently
locked.ÿþ ÿþ Evergreen forestÿþ in an evergreen forest, standing by a west-east flowing river.
You quickly recognise it to be the same place as where you entered the sector
of imaginary fantasy some time ago. However, the felled tree that provided a
means of crossing the river is still standing, growing quite happily. It is
as if you had just travelled back to before the tree was felled.ÿþ ÿþ